Answer The Internet Featuring The Last Great Ginger, Cheeto Santino

Andrew Santino. The Red Rocket. Whiskey Ginger. One of the funniest and most intense, opinionated, and articulate guys we've had on our shows this year. If you missed his interview with us back around Thanksgiving, give it a listen. Cheeto obliterates comedy critics and tells pretty much everyone we discussed to fuck off. It was great stuff. Honestly inspired me and reinvigorated me. 

And then we also had him stand up to face The Internet. Talking about murdering rhinos and sitting on dicks and what not. You can always tell the worth of a person by how easily they roll with ATI. If you're uptight about it, you definitely suck. If you take it too literally and dont have any imagination, you're a wet blanket. But that in between sweet spot where you take it seriously, but not too seriously...give it thought, but nothing too literal...thats the sweet spot. And thats the area that this magnificent sexy little red headed minx lived in. That happy medium where El Rojo was just letting it fly. 10 minutes of pure debauchery from Cheeto, fantastic stuff.

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Also we are starting to snowball in subscribers which feels fucking great. Took us a year to hit our first 100,000, but now we are sitting at 160k, well ahead of that 100k/year pace. So help us reach that 200,000 mark as we start the long, long journey from 100k to 1,000,000 subscribers. Subscribe here, whether or not youre an avid youtube user, you can subscribe. Anybody with a gmail can login to Youtube and smash that button. Subscribe here and help the cause:

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